Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We will miss you Boston Legal!

One of the all time greatest shows on TV is going away... So long Boston Legal!

Check out the Boston Legal Web Site to see more!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Check out photos from the most recent DeKam event

Photos Of the DeKam German night!

Now check out the movie!

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Delicious Irony

Delicious irony from people flying private jets with tin cups in their hands! I think we have to save the car companies in an effort to save the economy, but there is a huge point being made in this video!

Watch’em squirm!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Three Days In June

Something I thought many of you would appreciate.

Three Days In June

Sunday, November 16, 2008

When we put X-Mas lights on our houses on Black Ivy Ct... it involves heavy equipment! Let the season begin! This is a short clip of Cooper and I watching Chris and his son see just how high the lift will actually go!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cooper's First Basketball game!!!!

What a riot!

This is a slide show, but if you click out to the link below, you can watch several video's of the historic event!

2008 YMCA BB

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It Seems Impossible... but it's not.

Follow the below link to view a more clear version of this slide show. I have confirmed with several of my Muslim friends that they are a bit appalled by this too. This is not a "Muslim" issue... this is an ignorance and fear issue. Some groups in this world deserve to be, no, must be "offended" by the rest of us. The very existence of our world depends on our ability to right this ship and specifically "offend" those who need to be offended; in exactly the same way our soldiers "offended" the people who committed the horrific events in our past. The same way we should and have offended those who mistreated the Native Americans, the African slaves, the current day people of Darfur. If you think the event of the holocaust were wrong, you agree. I haven't confirmed the comments about the UK in this slide deck, but it doesn't matter if that part is true or not, if it is, it's sad, but even if it's not true, so what, the message is the same. Let’s not stop "offending" those who deserve to be offended. At least, that's what I think, I could be wrong.


Friday, November 7, 2008

I have listened to this one... and I liked it!

Edward Tabash - The U.S. Presidential Election and Secular Values Voters
Friday, October 17, 2008, 7:00:00 AM
Edward Tabash is a constitutional and civil rights lawyer in Beverly Hills, California. He has chaired the National Legal Committee of Americans United for Separation of Church and State since 1995, and has argued and won before the California Supreme Court. He also sits as a part-time judge for the Los Angeles County Superior Court system. He has successfully represented the scientific outlook and secular humanism in public debates against the leading Christian philosophers around the world. In addition to serving on the Board of the Center for Inquiry and chairing the Council for Secular Humanismâs First Amendment Task Force, he chairs the Center for Inquiry's Los Angeles branch. In this conversation with D.J. Grothe, Edward Tabash explores issues valued by secularists and why they hang in the balance in this U.S. Presidential Election. ÂHe talks about gay marriage and abortion, and how both of these rights depend on a government neutrality in matters of religion. He details ways that pseudoscience and junk science are used to advance religiously derived public policy arguments against gay marriage and abortion. And he talks about global warming skepticism, and the need for scientific integrity in public policy. He emphasizes how the next U.S. President will reshape the Supreme Court, and what that portends for science and secular values. He also explains his role in gay rights victory with the Supreme Court of California earlier in 2008, and why he opposes Proposition 8, a proposed ballot measure in California that would amend the State Constitution to deny marriage rights to homosexuals.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ok, now I try not to project too much on my friends in this area, but when I see an opportunity to bridge a gap, I’m taking it! This site addresses some of the casum that exist between those individuals of theist persuasion and those of a non-theist viewpoint. I have not listened to everything on this site, in fact, I have only listened to two episodes, but I was so impressed with them I was compelled to post here. Take time to listen to the two podcasts I have listed here and I encourage you to puruse the site and listen to other postings on this site. I hope you find it as informative and enlightening as I have. Remember, it’s not what I think… and it could be wrong!

Rev. Michael Dowd - The Marriage of Science and Religion
The Reverend Michael Dowd, along with his wife, science writer Connie Barlow, have lived permanently on the road for years, sharing a "sacred view of evolution" with religious and secular audiences of all ages. His new book is Thank God for Evolution: How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will…

Rev. Michael Dowd: Thank God For Evolution
The Reverend Michael Dowd, along with his wife, science writer Connie Barlow, have lived permanently on the road for years, sharing a "sacred view of evolution" with religious and secular audiences of all ages. His new book is Thank God for Evolution: How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will…