Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It Seems Impossible... but it's not.

Follow the below link to view a more clear version of this slide show. I have confirmed with several of my Muslim friends that they are a bit appalled by this too. This is not a "Muslim" issue... this is an ignorance and fear issue. Some groups in this world deserve to be, no, must be "offended" by the rest of us. The very existence of our world depends on our ability to right this ship and specifically "offend" those who need to be offended; in exactly the same way our soldiers "offended" the people who committed the horrific events in our past. The same way we should and have offended those who mistreated the Native Americans, the African slaves, the current day people of Darfur. If you think the event of the holocaust were wrong, you agree. I haven't confirmed the comments about the UK in this slide deck, but it doesn't matter if that part is true or not, if it is, it's sad, but even if it's not true, so what, the message is the same. Let’s not stop "offending" those who deserve to be offended. At least, that's what I think, I could be wrong.

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